At the 2021 Women of Distinction virtual recognition event. As we celebrated 104 years of delivering leadership development programs to girls in Hawai`i and saluted leaders in our community who have helped to make a difference during a challenging year:
In addition to our two Women of Distinction, Girl Scouts of Hawai`i also honored:
along with his Senior Executive team for their work in mentoring and advancing women in the workplace and for their outstanding community service.
We look toward the future with the vision and commitment of these role models, who along with our dedicated volunteers and council team members, provide young girls with opportunities for fun and friendship while fostering the development of leadership skills and self-esteem.
GIRL SCOUTS at HOME – Meeting the challenge of a pandemic Girl Scouts of Hawai`i (GSH) met the unique challenges brought forth by the pandemic through our new virtual program, Girl Scouts at Home. We ensure that girls had access to quality educational programming, increased time in a social setting, and the tools to understand and thrive in the pandemic.
Within one week of the initial stay-at-home order, we launched Girl Scouts at Home. Videos and live webinars delivered quality hands-on programming five times a week. GSH has offered over 500 virtual programs and activities since March including; Start your own Business, Photography Virtual Camp, Mechanical Engineering, Crowd Sourcing the Cure, Coding, Living our Faith in Uncertain Times, Civic Engagement and so much more. We have seen an increase of over 1000 badges over the same time period last year and Girl Scouts and Girl Guides from 41 states and 11 international countries have registered for our programming proving the engagement that we have received.
Girl Scouts is the place where girls can explore, discover, and just be themselves! From adventuring outdoors or experimenting with science to saving a park or developing new skills, Girl Scouting prepares girls for a lifetime of leadership.